Digital Fatigue

Digital Fatigue

If you find yourself with sore, strained eyes πŸ‘, more headaches than usual πŸ˜±, chances are you might be suffering from digital fatigue! Too much screen time causes digital fatigue, and depletes the quality of your sleep, therefore you may be feeling more exhausted than normal, besides losing focus. The main factor of digital fatigue is dry eyes, it can be described as the lack of moisture on the inner surface of our eyes, which is a mucous membrane. The lack of moisture on the mucous membrane most probably is triggered by the emission of blue light from our digital gadgets πŸ’»πŸ“±.Omega 7 - discovered by Harvard researchers in 2008, is the most effective food to moisture the mucous membranes in our body. One of the rich sources of Omega 7 is sea buckthorn. Based on a placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over trial, the condition of eye dryness improved significantly by taking sea buckthorn supplement for 3 months πŸ˜±πŸ’ͺ🏻.